Is America A Racist Nation?

Is America A Racist Nation?

In this article I will say some things with which many will disagree. Please give it a fair reading and some thoughtful consideration anyway, because we are facing some very challenging, dangerous times, and there is a lot of misinformation being promulgated. If it’s not soon checked, there’s going to be untold misery and loss.

 Many years ago I heard the late Barry Farber make an interesting observation about racism in America. It is an observation you don’t hear much in the mainstream media, and it is certainly not very popular in our current climate. He was talking about how African-Americans and women have “achieved” the right to vote in this country – how it came to be. Stop and think about it. Did the slaves free themselves? Did women enfranchise themselves and give themselves the right to vote? No, because they did not have the political standing to bring about any change at all. They were legally disenfranchised, and did not have the right to vote. 

 These changes occurred legally because, in the words of Mr. Farber, “good decent white men” cast their votes in a righteous manner. They were the only ones who could vote, and they eventually voted to free the slaves and to enfranchise women. Now, some of them may have done it hesitatingly, under pressure, kicking and screaming, but they did it. Those “good decent white men” were finally in sufficient numbers to change the law with their votes. And once the law was officially changed, other changes were possible, and “systemic” racism ended. 

 America is the only nation on the face of this earth which has faced racism and voted it down. This nation has fought a bloody Civil War over the issue, and has legally ended slavery. What other nation has done this? This nation has enacted, by more than a 2/3 majority, the 19th Amendment to its own Constitution, giving women the right to vote. Those who voted for that amendment were all men. Those who voted for the 13th Amendment (to end slavery) were all white men. For whatever reasons, America rose above legal racism and slavery, and that is a significant accomplishment that we should notice.

 That is not to say that all of the work is done, that all hearts have been softened and changed in accordance with God’s word on the matter. It’s not to suggest that there is no racism or that there are no racist members of society. But the mere fact that people—all people— can lawfully speak out and object to any lingering problems is a testament to the greatness of this nation. And in my view, we need to be reminded of these accomplishments, and pay honor and respect to this great country for what has been accomplished. We need to stop the hateful rhetoric about “systemic” racism, or “institutional” bigotry, and let the healing occur. 

 The media is constantly stirring the pot of hatred and bigotry. No doubt they feel their ratings depend upon it. If they can keep people on the edge of their seat in rage and disgust, they think their continued relevance is guaranteed. They don’t care about Christian love and compassion. They are not looking to Jesus as their example. They are appealing to the darkest, most distrustful instincts within man. Their goal is to keep the controversy going.

 About a year ago I wrote an article entitled, “If I were Trying to Destroy America.” I had no idea how timely that article would be. Here’s an excerpt: I would constantly portray America in a negative light, vilifying her leaders. I would try to paint her as an immoral nation…I would convince young people that their forefathers were racist, greedy, and hateful…I would call into question all national traditions, and begin to eliminate all monuments and other tributes to the nation’s past. Eventually, I would present candidates for public office who blatantly contradict and reject Christianity…Since police officers and the military represent a barrier to these efforts, I would use any opportunity to report them in a negative light. Any case of misconduct would be emphasized and published again and again. In this way, people would get the idea that all such institutions are corrupt and should be mistrusted, then rejected. 

The continued teaching that ours is fundamentally an immoral nation, with racist and immoral leaders and forefathers, is destroying the unity of our country. It is absolutely essential that we get back to the principles of God’s word, allowing the teaching of our Lord to gradually permeate and heal our land.

-By Robert C. Veil, Jr.