Everyone knows that a solid foundation is key, whether building a structure, learning a skill,
or in a quality relationship. Jesus said as much in Matthew 8:24-27. Certainly a strong teaching
program is of the same value to the church and we here at Central are blessed to have such.
We offer classes from Cradle Roll through Adult, but I would specifically like to focus on
classes offered for Cradle Roll, 2’s and 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, and K, 1st and 2nd grades, 3rd – 5th, 6th-8th, and
9th-12th grades. We currently have approximately 45 students in these classes that are offered
Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings 4 quarters each year. We are truly blessed to have a
dedicated teaching staff and need 56 teaching spots to cover the above classes. The hope is to
have teachers commit to 2 quarters per year to spread the responsibility. If you would like to be
truly blessed with this opportunity to teach, please see me.
We are excited to be using a curriculum offered through 21st Century Christian which can be
viewed on 21stcc.com. Click on Bible Curriculum for kids and you will see the Immerse
Curriculum used on Sunday mornings for the entire year and the LifeLINKS curriculum used on
Wednesday evenings for the year. Immerse covers the Bible every 2 years. LifeLINKS covers
the Bible every 3 years and Teen Connect covers the Bible every 3 years.
As parents, one of the memories you would like your children to remember is that you saw
the importance of their participation in the Bible School Program at church. Your strongest desire
would be that they stayed faithful to God in their lifetime and one of the best ways would be their
consistent involvement in a healthy learning environment centered on God’s Word with their
peers. As the old saying goes, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to
fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” A thorough knowledge of God’s Word and how to apply
it throughout our daily lives would certainly be the valuable attribute we all could possess. Like
any skill, it must be developed, but the answers to life are there, if we will only look.
If you have any questions, please see me. We ask that you support our program by bringing
your children to class at 9:45 am on Sundays and 7:00 pm on Wednesdays. “And all thy children
shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children,” (Is. 54:13).
– by Mark Norris