Violence on America’s Campuses

Violence on America’s Campuses

by Robert C. Veil, Jr.
For several weeks I watched with dismay and sadness the outbreak of violence on the
campuses of many of our major American universities. The evening news featured graphic images
of hate-filled students shouting cruel and angry chants, destroying university property, violently
taking over university buildings, and even holding hostages while they issued their “demands.”
Fellow students were threatened, prevented from entering areas on campus, and delayed in the
taking of their final exams. Congress called for the resignation of several University presidents,
who seem to be blind to the hateful speech and the violent extremism being fostered on their watch.
I saw images reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s, when the Nazi party rose to power using
gross propaganda, directed especially at younger people who were blinded to truth and reality, and
were encouraged to embrace racial and ethnic hatred. The ignorance of these young people is
appalling and dangerous. But their lack of knowledge of world events does not deter their zeal or
their anger. And these universities are supposedly America’s best! They are the breeding grounds
for our future leaders in politics, and across all of the professions. When we look at them we are
supposedly seeing the future of America.
While considering this series of recent events, I received the following email message from
David Shannon, President of Freed-Hardeman University. I think you will find it enlightening and

Are you disappointed in the American universities that are in the news? Read
the attached press release [I’ve posted this in the foyer for your reference —
RCV] to see the difference between FHU and other universities. How does FHU
have hundreds of students go out on spring break to serve others and tell them
about Jesus while other universities make the news for spewing hate and chaos?
The answer: God’s ways are higher than man. At Freed-Hardeman, we teach
and exalt the Origin and Creator of all life. This changes outcomes. Have you
considered that the law of sowing and reaping is valid not only for individuals,
but universities as well? Pause and ask yourself what these universities have
been sowing to reap the harvest of turmoil and violence on their campuses.
What does FHU do that creates such different effects? The next time someone
wants to know the difference between Freed-Hardeman and other schools,
remember that the FHU experience is more than excellence in academics. The
FHU experience develops the heart and soul by inspiring hope and teaching
truth in pursuit of God. America needs FHU more than ever! We are far from
perfect, but I believe this may be the best imperfect place in the world. We teach
students how to live and how to make a living for His glory. Thank you for
supporting the students and mission of Freed-Hardeman University.

When young, impressionable minds are filled with the hopeful challenges of love and
Christianity, they embrace it and flourish toward an optimistic future. They rise above the hate and
discontent of woke entitlement. They realize they are only on this earth for a short time, and they
want to make a positive difference in humanity. They are thankful for what has been done by those
who have gone before, and they act with respect and dignity. It’s a far cry from the display of an
ungrateful, entitlement mentality we have seen in recent weeks.
The difference between these two worldviews is Jesus Christ. Christ gives meaning and
purpose to a young person’s life. He provides hope and assurance for the future, and removes
bitterness, anger, and resentment. “Come unto me all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest!” When I see violence like this on our American campuses, I am glad for the
bright spots here and there among God’s people. I’m glad for the contrast, because hopefully
discerning observers can see that there is a better way! As He said, “I am the way, the truth, and
the life. No one comes to the Father, but by me!”