Highlighting Our Bible School (5)

Highlighting Our Bible School (5)

by Robert C. Veil, Jr.

This week we highlight one of our teachers and two of our students. The purpose is to
acquaint us with those involved in our Bible school, so we can give them the support and
encouragement they need. Please take a few moments and read about them, and then speak with
them! If you would like to help with the Bible school program, please speak with Mark Norris, our
deacon who assists with this area of the work.

Our featured Bible Class teacher is Lisa Pheasant, who teaches age 2 through K. Lisa has
been a Christian for 44 years, and has taught for 28 years! She says the reason she teaches is “I
absolutely love being with children, and want to be an influence on them.” Lisa’s favorite Bible
passages are Matthew 5:3-11 (the beatitudes) and Ecclesiastes 3:1-8: “For everything there is a
season, and a time for every purpose under heaven…” In her spare time, Lisa enjoys being a “beach
bum,” quilting, playing Yahtzee, and teaching small children.

Seth Floyd is 13 years old, and a member of the 6th-8th-grade class. His parents are Chris
and Joann Floyd. He enjoys baseball, board games and singing. His favorite Bible story is Paul
and Silas.

Celina Leasor is 14 years old, and a member of the Middle School class. Her parents are
Jeremy and Heather Leasor. She enjoys soccer, reading, journaling and camping with family. [I
might add she also enjoys following the Dallas Cowboys! —RCV]. Her favorite Bible story is the
story of Queen Esther.

Our Bible school students regularly study God’s word on Sunday mornings and
Wednesday evenings. They need your encouragement as they strive to build a solid spiritual
foundation for their lives. Parents, if your children are not currently involved in the Bible school,
please consider enrolling them immediately. Classes for all ages meet Sunday mornings at 9:45,
and Wednesday evenings at 7 o’clock. Note: See the screen announcements for a directory of
classrooms and classes.