“…Pray For One Another, That You May Be Healed…”

Submit prayer request(s) to: [email protected]


-Mary Conley was restored on September 14 following a visit by Buddy Leasor & Jonathan Bennett. Her address is 430 S. Tennessee Ave. Martinsburg, WV 25401 for those who wish to send her cards. Her daughter, Judy, is her caregiver and their phone number is (304) 283-2408. Please call prior to visiting.


-Condolences are extended to Ashley Bennett & family on the passing of her grandmother, Elsie Purvis, on September 9. 

(Prayer request(s) are only listed for 14 days if no update(s) are received)

-Pray for those who are wayward/no longer attending.

-Pat Bartles, sister of Fran Shively, Florence Birmingham & Sandra Haupt, is still battling a post-surgical infection following heart surgery. 9/16/2024

-Joyce Leonard, sister of Fran Shively, Florence Birmingham & Sandra Haupt, recently had another MRI that shows the aneurysm in her brain stem has not improved. 9/16/2024

-Mary Marshall is scheduled to have foot surgery on Wednesday, September 18. 9/15/2024

-Rich Shively is battling a sinus infection. 9/15/2024

-Allen & Sandra Haupt are both battling COVID. 9/15/2024

-Fred Wellman fell on September 14 sustaining injuries that resulted in a trip to the ER. 9/14/2024

-Nancy Leasor has an appointment scheduled with her oncologist on September 20 to discuss future chemo treatments. Prayers requested for Nancy’s oncology team as they determine which treatment(s) to proceed with. 9/14/2024

-Mary Conley, is under Hospice care and would like visits or cards. 9/14/2024

-Ismael (Izzy) Martinez, Martinsburg football player, sustained a serious head injury (resulting in a brain bleed) on September 13 during the football game. He was discharged home on September 14 with an outlook to have a full recovery by next football season. 9/14/2024

Jodi O’Berry underwent a surgical procedure on September 13 and is now home recovering. 9/8/2024

-Alyza Price, friend of a few members of the congregation, who had a kidney removed due to cancer and will begin chemo treatments in the near future. 9/8/2024

-Brenda Nice, Maryann Tanis’ sister, will have surgery on September 26 due for a recent cancer diagnosis. 9/8/2024

-Edna Woodward, is still admitted to Winchester Medical Center, Room 303, due to a post-surgical infection. She underwent a surgical procedure on September 5 to address this infection. 9/8/2024

-Gabby O’Berry continues to undergo medical tests to address an ongoing medical condition. 9/8/2024

-Terry Taylor, Jason’s mom, had pacemaker successfully placed on September 5. 9/8/2024

-Allison Marquina has been dealing with vertigo & a sprained back. 9/4/2024

-Prayers are requested by Joy White for her mother, who had a parole board hearing on September 4. The preliminary reports are that the hearing went well. 9/4/2024

(Those dealing with cancer are only listed for 6 months if no update(s) are received)

-Nancy Leasor began a new regiment of chemo to treat her cancer on August 28. 8/28/2024

-Brenda Nice, Maryann Tanis sister, has been diagnosed with more cancer. 8/16/2024

-Jeremy Taylor, friend of Jonathan Bennett, stage IV multi-system cancer. 7/24/2024

-Truett Thixton, friend of Jason & Elisabeth Taylor, brain tumor. 7/22/2024

-Ayrin Mathias, Jack Williams co-worker, lung cancer. 7/18/2024

-Darlene Shull, Roger Luttrell’s cousin, diagnosed with leukemia. 6/27/2024

-Tom Tate, husband of Stacy Lantz’s co-worker’s, diagnosed with prostate cancer. 6/18/2024

-Harriet Deiley, friend of Mary Ann Posch, diagnosed with breast cancer. 6/16/2024

-Dick Carter, Troy Carter’s dad, has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. 5/22/2024

-Scott Wood, former boss of Dick Bartrug in NC, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. 4/3/2024

-Carol Garland has breast cancer and is not doing well. 3/14/2024

-Jenny Garland has skin cancer and her condition is worsening. 3/14/2024


– Larry & Kathy Bays
– Florence Birmingham
– Randy, Paula & Leah Emery
– Todd & Glenda Haun
– Marion Marshall
– Joyce Ritchey – Broad Top Congregation
– Bob & Grace Veil
– Fred & Kay Welshans
– Gretta Williams
– Edna Woodward
– Others who are in a nursing home or confined to home.


-Congregation in Fort Gay, WV.
-Jerris and Juanita Bullard – India
-Jason Snethen – Bristol, England
-Broad Top, PA church of Christ
-Christians for Kenya
-Bibles for China
-Apologetics Press, Montgomery, AL
-International Gospel Hour
-West Virginia School of Preaching
-Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies
-Some of our men preach by appointment at area congregations as they are able, including Dick Bartrug, Jack Williams and others. Please remember them and their families in these efforts.