Highlighting Our Bible School (7)

by Robert C. Veil, Jr.

We have some amazing students and teachers in our Bible school program. From time to
time we highlight them in the Bulletin so that we can give them the support and encouragement
they need. Please take a few moments and read about them, and then speak with them! If you
would like to help with the children’s Bible school program, please speak with Mark Norris, our
deacon who assists with this area of the work.

Our featured Bible Class teacher is Elizabeth Anderson, who teaches the 4’s, 5’s &
Kindergarten class. She has been a Christian for 13 years, and has taught for 6 years. Elizabeth
says the reason she teaches is because she loves “teaching children to develop a love for God’s
word.” Her favorite Bible passage is 2 Timothy 4:7: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished
the course, I have kept the faith.” In her spare time, Elizabeth enjoys gardening, spending time
with friends, playing with her daughter, Evelyn, and reading. [I might also add that Elizabeth does
an amazing job with secretarial duties here at the church, including preparation of the Bulletin each

Evelyn (Evie) Anderson is 2 years old, and a member of the 2’s & 3’s class. Her parents
are Chason and Elizabeth Anderson. She enjoys painting, dancing and playing with her baby dolls.
Her favorite Bible story is David and Goliath.

Nathan Shockey is 17 years old, and a member of the High School class. His mother is
Sonya Shockey. He enjoys theater and lighting design. His favorite Bible story is Daniel in the
lion’s den.

Our Bible school students regularly study God’s word on Sunday mornings and Wednesday

Parents, if your children are not currently involved in the Bible school, please consider
enrolling them immediately. Classes for all ages meet Sunday mornings at 9:45, and Wednesday
evenings at 7 o’clock. See the screen announcements for a directory of classrooms and classes.

A healthy Bible school program is a vital part of the foundation of a strong and growing
congregation. To know, God, we need to study and meditate on his word. Our thanks to Mark
Norris for supplying these photos and participant information from time to time. We are happy to
highlight them, and encourage you to support them in their efforts to study God’s word!