by Robert C. Veil, Jr.
If you have ever wished you had a kind, encouraging, and scriptural pamphlet to leave with
a patient you were visiting in the hospital, this may be of interest to you. Perhaps you have wanted
something you could leave for a dear friend or loved one who was discouraged or depressed. A
new tool from Lifeline Publications may be just “what the doctor ordered.”
Last week we introduced the new tract, Words of Comfort, newly published by Lifeline
Publications. Specially designed to bring hope and reassurance to those who are struggling, this
new pamphlet is a valuable tool for those interested in “rescuing the perishing.”
The tract is written in a personal style, designed to open doors of influence and allow for
comfort from God’s word to take place. It draws heavily from the 23rd Psalm, perhaps the most
endearing devotional reading of all time. It is not a technical analysis or hermeneutical
examination, but rather a practical application of God’s special insights concerning this psalm, and
especially helpful to those who are suffering. The pamphlet also includes practical suggestions for
those in the hospital, including some guidelines for when they are released. This material was
written with the hope that sharing it with the afflicted might bring about peace, comfort, and
We have been looking on Sunday mornings at the theme, “Rescue the Perishing!” We have
considered the great need for rescue, inasmuch as we have those all around us who are struggling
with sorrow and the effects of sin. We have seen from the Scriptures that it is our duty to rescue
those whom we can. It’s not enough to be saved, we need to be actively sharing God’s message of
hope and salvation with the lost and dying world around us. And we have also looked at some of
the many techniques for effective rescue operations, not the least of which is realizing that the right
rescuer is ultimately God Himself. God often works through his people, and to the extent that we
can be better informed about effective techniques, we will be more effective rescuers for Him.
This morning we bring this sermon series to a close with a reminding look at the great
rewards which come from rescuing the perishing. James said, “My brethren, if any among you err
from the truth, and one convert him; let him know that he who converteth a sinner from the error
of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins,” (James 5:19-20). We
will be looking at the realities of how this statement applies in practice, and how a “multitude of
sins” may be covered by those who diligently rescue the perishing. Truly, there is good reason to
rejoice when a lost sheep is found and returned to the fold. As Jesus said, “And when he cometh
home, he calleth together his friends and his neighbors, saying unto them, Rejoice with me, for I
have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven over
one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine righteous persons, who need no
repentance,” (Luke 15:6-7).
In my years of preaching, I don’t know that I have ever seen a time where the need for rescue
has been more acute. There is an urgent need for rescuers to step up and help those who are lost or
struggling. I see those who once accepted and gladly obeyed the gospel questioning or abandoning
their commitment to Christ. I see the devil gaining a foothold in many lives. And I see Satan having
his way with individual members and families who once walked enthusiastically together in the
Christian faith.
Even though this sermon series is drawing to a close, let’s not stop trying to reach out to those
who are lost and dying. Let’s never lose heart in our valiant effort to rescue the perishing.
Remember the grand old song, and sing it with new vigor and new determination: “Rescue the
perishing, Care for the dying; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save!”