“…Pray For One Another, That You May Be Healed…”

UPDATED: February 21, 2025
Submit prayer request(s) to: [email protected]


-Condolences are extended to Jerri Keel & family on the passing of her dad on February 11. His funeral service will take place on February 22.

(Prayer request(s) are only listed for 14 days if no update(s) are received)

-Pray for those who are wayward/no longer attending.

-Elena Nunez, friend of Adrian Floyd, has been diagnosed with lupus. 2/21/2025

-Robin Chesek, Fran Shively’s daughter, is hospitalized due to complications following a recent surgical procedure. 2/19/2025

-Brooke Kessinger is now in her 2nd trimester of pregnancy and is experiencing some physical difficulties along with possible side effects of medication. 2/16/2025

-Jennie Garland is dealing with loss of her vision. 2/16/2025

-Carol Garland is still battling cancer which is getting worse. 2/16/2025

Krystal Feys will be having surgery on February 19 to stabilize an aneurysm. 2/16/2025

-Nina Fazenbaker is scheduled to have more stents placed in the same aneurysm that was recently operated on. She is dealing with some other complications along with this latest development. 2/14/2025

-Diedra Walker, friend of Barbara Waiters family, who suffered a stroke on Jan. 30 is home and receiving therapy. 2/13/2025

-Kerrigan Gill, friend of John & Mandy Housley, has cystic fibrosis and may be hospitalized due to complications related to her illness. 2/13/2025

(Those dealing with cancer are only listed for 6 months if no update(s) are received)

-Jason Conroy, friend of the Tanis’s, bladder cancer. 1/15/2025

-Tom Clopper, friend of Bennett’s, metastatic non-Hodgkins lymphoma. 1/14/2025

-Brian Fox, friend of Cindy Catlett, diagnosed with cancer. 1/8/2025

-Nancy Leasor being treated for pancreatic cancer. 1/1/2025

-Becky Lovett diagnosed with kidney cancer. 12/4/2024

-Wally Young, friend of Rich Shively’s, diagnosed with lung cancer. 11/12/2024

-Jim Mills, friend of the Bennett’s, diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. 11/10/2024


– Larry & Kathy Bays

– Florence Birmingham

– Randy, Paula & Leah Emery

– Todd & Glenda Haun

– Becky Lovett

– Marion Marshall

– Joyce Ritchey – Broad Top Congregation

– Bob & Grace Veil

– Fred & Kay Welshans

– Gretta Williams

– Edna Woodward

– Others who are in a nursing home or confined to home.



-Congregation in Fort Gay, WV.

-Jerris and Juanita Bullard – India

-Jason Snethen – Bristol, England

-Broad Top, PA church of Christ

-Christians for Kenya

-Bibles for China

-Apologetics Press,
Montgomery, AL

-International Gospel Hour

-West Virginia School of Preaching

-Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies

-Some of our men preach by appointment at area congregations as they are able. Please remember them and their families in these efforts.