PRAYER REQUESTS: UPDATED: February 21, 2025 Submit prayer request(s) to: [email protected] SYMPATHY: -Condolences are extended to Jerri Keel & family on the passing of her dad on February 11. His funeral service will take place on February 22. CURRENT REQUESTS: (Prayer request(s) are only listed for 14 days if no update(s) are received) -Pray for those who are wayward/no longer attending. -Elena Nunez, friend of Adrian Floyd, has been diagnosed with lupus. 2/21/2025 -Robin Chesek, Fran Shively’s daughter, is hospitalized due to complications following a recent surgical procedure. 2/19/2025 -Brooke Kessinger is now in her 2nd trimester of pregnancy and is experiencing some physical difficulties along with possible side effects of medication. 2/16/2025 -Jennie Garland is dealing with loss of her vision. 2/16/2025 -Carol Garland is still battling cancer which is getting worse. 2/16/2025 –Krystal Feys will be having surgery on February 19 to stabilize an aneurysm. 2/16/2025 -Nina Fazenbaker is scheduled to have more stents placed in the same aneurysm that was recently operated on. She is dealing with some other complications along with this latest development. 2/14/2025 -Diedra Walker, friend of Barbara Waiters family, who suffered a stroke on Jan. 30 is home and receiving therapy. 2/13/2025 -Kerrigan Gill, friend of John & Mandy Housley, has cystic fibrosis and may be hospitalized due to complications related to her illness. 2/13/2025 DEALING WITH CANCER: (Those dealing with cancer are only listed for 6 months if no update(s) are received) -Jason Conroy, friend of the Tanis’s, bladder cancer. 1/15/2025 -Tom Clopper, friend of Bennett’s, metastatic non-Hodgkins lymphoma. 1/14/2025 -Brian Fox, friend of Cindy Catlett, diagnosed with cancer. 1/8/2025 -Nancy Leasor being treated for pancreatic cancer. 1/1/2025 -Becky Lovett diagnosed with kidney cancer. 12/4/2024 -Wally Young, friend of Rich Shively’s, diagnosed with lung cancer. 11/12/2024 -Jim Mills, friend of the Bennett’s, diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. 11/10/2024 SHUT-INS/ONGOING HEALTH CONCERNS: – Larry & Kathy Bays – Florence Birmingham – Randy, Paula & Leah Emery – Todd & Glenda Haun – Becky Lovett – Marion Marshall – Joyce Ritchey – Broad Top Congregation – Bob & Grace Veil – Fred & Kay Welshans – Gretta Williams – Edna Woodward – Others who are in a nursing home or confined to home. PRAY FOR OUR MISSION WORKS: -Congregation in Fort Gay, WV. -Jerris and Juanita Bullard – India -Jason Snethen – Bristol, England -Broad Top, PA church of Christ -Christians for Kenya -Bibles for China -Apologetics Press, Montgomery, AL -International Gospel Hour -West Virginia School of Preaching -Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies -Some of our men preach by appointment at area congregations as they are able. Please remember them and their families in these efforts. |
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