As I write these lines, I find myself once again at a motel, in the midst of a gospel meeting
away from home. It’s been my privilege to preach in many gospel meetings, lectureships and
similar events over the years, and I always seem to find some quiet time to think—especially early
in the morning. For some reason, I often find myself reflecting on similar things, which you may
find interesting.
I think about the Lord’s church—the many congregations all over the brotherhood, and how
they are doing. My travels have taken me to churches in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West
Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, New England, Texas, Arizona, California,
Mississippi, Canada, Israel, the Carolina’s, and probably other places I don’t remember. I have
visited with large churches and small, black ones and white ones, rich and poor, friendly and a few
not-so-friendly. In a way, they’re all the same—good-hearted people just trying to please the Lord
and get on through this life to the one which really matters.
God’s people are good people. It never fails to amaze me how well I am treated at times
like this. I have to be honest, there have been times I have wondered how it was going to go. I have
come into some places where I really felt uncomfortable. But invariably, it isn’t long before I am
reassured, and reminded again how special are the people of God. We have so much in common.
Asking a few questions, we connect to people we know and love. There is a way of life which is
wholesome and common among members of the church. It is so reassuring to quickly feel at home
anywhere in the world.
Christian homes are comfortable and welcoming. They are not often lavish. I have been in
some pretty rough ones, back in the sticks. I have also been in the homes of wealthy church
members who lived extremely well by worldly standards. But in almost every case, I felt at home
immediately. There was kind and warm conversation, hospitality, a sense of common values and
friendliness, which quickly put me at ease. God’s people share the same priorities. Their houses
are basically all for the same purpose, and this includes welcoming guests.
Through the years, I have been given a lot of encouragement by kind and gentle older
couples, godly widows, strong, Christian couples, and precious young people. I have been served
delicious meals, prepared with love. I have eaten at many church fellowship meals, prepared by
the sweet ladies of the church. I have noticed them out of the corner of my eye, watching to be
sure everything was attended to, and that my every need was met. I find myself wishing that I
could more adequately express my appreciation to them.
I have seen the amazing children and the precious grandchildren in the homes of many
church members. They have shown me their family pictures, told me their happy stories, and
sometimes shared with me the sad ones too. Families are the backbone of the church, and we have
the most remarkable families in the brotherhood. Some of them have invited me into their family
circle, just like I was born there. What a blessing!
I have seen countless church buildings of various shapes and sizes. I am fascinated by
church buildings, and I have always felt at home in them. I look for certain things. The tracts, the
bulletins, the classrooms, the preacher’s office. You can tell a lot about a congregation by exploring
their building. Some of these buildings are showing their age, and oh, the stories they could tell. I
like it when members take pride in their building, and share with me some of the history which
has occurred there.
The church of our Lord is a family. We have the same Father, the same elder Brother –
Jesus Christ. We have brothers and sisters all over the country and around the world. What a
fellowship, what a joy divine!
So, as I sit on a bench outside a motel in the chili, early morning hours, I smile and take
heart in the blessings God so richly bestows upon those of us who are in the church. I don’t mind
being away from home for a little while, and being reminded again of the time when we shall all
gather again with loved ones around the throne of God for eternity.
– by Robert C. Veil, Jr.