Calling All Members To a Much-Needed Seminar (2 of 2)

Calling All Members To a Much-Needed Seminar (2 of 2)

by Robert C. Veil, Jr.

Saturday and Sunday, October 5 & 6, 2024 we are hosting Dr. Ryan Fraser in a special
seminar entitled, Overcoming the Blues: The Christian and Strong Mental Health. The purpose of
this two-part article is to encourage all of us to take full advantage of this unique opportunity and
to remind us of the extreme importance of this topic for us all.

  1. This Seminar touches a nerve in our community, and in our nation at large. It doesn’t
    take a sage to notice some of the alarming things happening in our nation, and how mental illness
    is at the root of many of them. From school shootings to attempted assassinations, we as a country
    are reeling from deranged people committing despicable acts. Sound mental health on a national
    level is not a luxury, it is absolutely essential if we are to survive. More than ever, America
    desperately needs rational, clear-thinking citizens. And on a local level, the need to constructively
    deal with depression, addiction and related emotional issues could not be more evident. This
    Seminar is a step in the right direction for all who will participate. The Central congregation for
    many years has been active in our community, and often provides food, clothing, and other
    necessities to those in need. Yet we are concerned not only with the physical needs of our
    neighbors, but with their spiritual and emotional needs as well. Sometimes these needs are far more
    pressing and important.
  2. This Seminar is an excellent opportunity to bring a non-member. Because it deals
    with such hot-button issues in our community, it is not difficult to arouse interest on the part of
    our neighbors. Many of them already recognize the great need to respectfully deal with these
    matters in a professional, responsible way. They will come to hear Dr. Fraser if we invite them,
    and if we explain what is being offered in this Seminar. There are flyers available in the foyer for
    your use in inviting others. If you need this in a digital format, let us know. We have also sent
    invitations into the community via House to House Heart to Heart. Let’s all get the word out so
    that the maximum amount of good may result from these efforts. We are spending a considerable
    amount of money and energy to produce this Seminar, so let’s make it count by inviting our friends
    to come.
  3. The Seminar is also a chance to develop some important contacts in the field of
    mental health.
    It can be difficult to find a good counselor when you or a loved one needs one. It’s
    doubly difficult to find a counselor who is a member of the Lord’s church, who brings to the table
    a wealth of Christian background and knowledge. I hope you will get to know Dr. Fraser, by
    attending and engaging in each of these sessions. You may also want to read his book, which is
    available in advance. Although you may not personally need the counseling services of such a
    professional, the chances are good that you have friends and loved ones in your life who do.
    Attending this Seminar may provide you with tools to help them.
  4. Strong mental health requires maintenance. Like physical health, it is not static. It is
    not guaranteed, and it’s maintenance is not automatic. It takes exercise and discipline, prayer and
    study, association with positive companions, good reading, and attending seminars and other
    informational opportunities such as this. Remember, none of us is perfect, and even if we are
    experiencing no problems whatsoever, such a Utopia will not last indefinitely. Each of us needs to
    do what we can to strengthen and preserve strong mental health.

Our hope is that every member will participate fully in this special Seminar. Bring your
friends and family, and plan to stay for the bonus opportunities for fellowship and encouragement.
Lunch will be provided on Saturday and on Sunday. Watch for visitors, and engage them with
polite conversation. Offer them a place to sit. Invite them to our services and be sensitive to their
needs. You might also want to re-familiarize yourself with the materials available in the vestibule
and foyer, and help get these into the hands of those who would benefit from them. Let’s together
make this Seminar a great success!