Your Worldview

Your Worldview

When people speak of their “worldview” they generally refer to their philosophy of life or their conception of the world around them. They may talk about broadening their worldview by traveling or experiencing other cultures and customs. A person’s worldview affects how they interact with other people, how they prioritize their own activities, and how they spend their lives.  If you have a worldview which recognizes that the world itself was created by God, is governed by his laws, and is ultimately serving his purposes, your life will be much more purposeful and meaningful. Your life will be informed by an understanding that the things which we see did not just pop into existence accidentally.

 Fundamentally, there are only two basic worldviews. One of these recognizes God, and the other does not. One worldview understands that we are living in a created universe, the other does not know God, (1 Cor. 1:21). Acknowledging and respecting the concept of creation sets our worldview to an objective standard, and colors the way we live out our lives. If God created this world, then there is a plan, a purpose to my life. Otherwise, I am the product of mere chance.  The Bible shows us that there really is no excuse for entertaining a worldview devoid of God. Paul argues to the church at Rome that the existence and power of God is known by his creation, because God intentionally manifested himself in this way. “Because that which is known of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it unto them. For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse,” (Rom. 1:19-20). Note that even though many people deny God’s existence, God has arranged things such that there really is no excuse for doing so. “The fool hath said in his heart there is no God,” (Ps. 14:1).

 The fact of creation makes sense of this world. No matter how long the evolutionist talks, his theories fall short of explaining what we see around us. He says that this earth and our solar system are the result of a “big bang” explosion billions of years ago. I have seen a number of explosions, but I have never seen one which resulted in an orderly system. I have never seen an explosion result in beauty and symmetry. This notion runs contrary to all our experience and observations.   Further, if something exploded billions of years ago, what was it, and where did it come from? The evolutionist claims that he can explain away the fact of creation by pushing it farther back in time, billions of years, but he merely kicks the can down the road. He cannot answer the question: Who created the matter which exploded billions of years ago?

 Acknowledging and respecting the fact of creation eliminates the confusion and puts life into proper perspective. It explains: 1) the existence and nature of God, (Rom. 1:18-23); 2) the roles of men and women, (1 Tim. 2:8-15; 1 Cor. 11:2ff); 3) the nature of worship, (Acts 17:22-25); 4) the keys to healthy racial relations, (Acts 17:26-28); 5) the plan of salvation, (Acts 17:29-30); 6) the reality and significance of the judgment to come, (Acts 17:30-31); and 7) the home as God would have it, (Mt. 19:3-12). If there was no creation, none of these topics is intelligible. Each one of them falls into confusion and ruin.  Your worldview depends upon a correct understanding whence this world came. You must understand that the God of this universe created the world and all that is in it, and he did so in six days, (Gen. 1, 2). The God who can do that can determine your “appointed seasons and the bounds of your habitation.” He can explain clearly how to acceptably worship him, and how to obey the gospel. He can tell you how to get along with your fellow man, and how to have a happy and healthy home. He can give meaning and purpose to your life. And he can save you in the judgment unto your heavenly home. Maybe it’s time you really “viewed the world” in which you live and move and have your very being.

-by Robert C. Veil, Jr.