The Reality of Jesus’ Action

The Reality of Jesus’ Action

When we are small children we learn of how God created the earth, animals, sun, moon,
stars all the way up to, and including, the creation of mankind. We learn that God allowed Adam
to name all the animals and then, upon realizing man was all alone, created woman as a help meet
for man. Our Bible classes then go on to teach us of Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, the tower
of Babel, Abraham and his life, and the lists go on. The lessons stay with us the duration of our
lives, but do we ever go back and study those passages once we are older and able to see the deeper
lessons contained in those “childhood stories?”
Let’s go all the way back to Genesis 1:26-27 where we read, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make
man in Our image, according to Our likeness…’.” Take notice of the language used here in that
man was created in the image of God and reading on through chapter three it is seen that man was
truly in the image of God in that man(kind) had no sin until partaking of the forbidden fruit. Man
was in perfect unity with God to the point of the partaking of this fruit and thus man(kind) separated
himself from the perfect form which he had. This transgression placed man into a situation of
having to work the ground and do physical labor previously not incurred as well as the female
counterpart being inflicted with the pain(s) and struggle(s) of childbearing. Yet, even worse than
that man placed himself in direct danger of eternity in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone
prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41).
Think about those who lived through the Patriarchal Age and Law of Moses having to make
animal sacrifices for the atonement of the sins that man was committing. The sins were not washed
away but rather just pushed back and a new period was started for the people. It was not until the
coming of the Messiah that the sins of all humanity were washed away and the Lord remembering
them no more (Jeremiah 31:34; Hebrews 8:12; 10:17). God says in Jeremiah that He will make a
new covenant and that the sins of the people under it will be absolutely forgiven.
How were the sins absolutely forgiven? Jesus came in the likeness of man and lived a
perfect, flawless life upon this earth and in turn was persecuted, arrested, tried and convicted of
crimes He never committed as seen in Isaiah 53. What were these sins? They were made up by
those who wanted Him dead for claiming He was King of the Jews. The Father knew that His Only
Son would have to be offered as the perfect sacrifice for man to have a relationship that would be
similar to that of Adam and Eve in the beginning when all men would have the opportunity to
approach His throne and bring their cares, worries, burdens, stresses, etc. before Him and not
through a third party here on earth.
Jesus took the weight of everyone’s sin, from Adam to the last person who draws a breath
at the Lord’s second coming, upon Him. The Savior allowed His body to be nailed upon a
Roman cross so that you and I may have the opportunity of the absolute forgiveness of our sins if
we will submit to His will and live according to the standard He has set for us to live by. On the
cross, Jesus cried “It is finished!” (John 19:30) and then died a physical death. The blood that
flowed from His side that day covers all the sins of every human who will ever live if they will
just submit to the will of the Lord. Are you covered by His blood and loving actions?