Causing Others To Perceive
The gospel appeals to the reasonable mind. It enlightens the understanding, and causes people to perceive for themselves the way of Jesus Christ...
Read moreThe gospel appeals to the reasonable mind. It enlightens the understanding, and causes people to perceive for themselves the way of Jesus Christ...
Read moreWhen the precious gospel of our Lord is presented with sincerity and effectiveness, it appeals to the 1) mind, the 2) heart, and the 3) will of...
Read moreQuestion: Could you please print an article about eating and drinking in the church and is there any scriptures of this in the Bible? We...
Read moreAs I write this article, we have just returned from the hospital, where we said goodbye to my mother-in-law, Marvina’s mom, Margie Whittaker. She...
Read moreFor I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but...
Read moreEach of us should want the local church to be as great as it can be. Even when things are going well, the congregation is growing, and times are...
Read moreWhen the apostle Paul wrote his last epistle, known as Second Timothy, he was very near the end of his life of service to Jesus Christ. He...
Read moreFor each of the last 30 consecutive weeks I have published in the Bulletin a quotation from one of our nation’s presidents. These quotations have...
Read moreI had a beloved uncle who used to joke that if he ever won the lottery, he would tell people that he found the ticket in the church parking lot!...
Read morePaul commanded Timothy to “speak thou the things which befit the sound doctrine,” (Titus 2:1). Our doctrine is our teaching, our spiritual...
Read moreMaybe you have heard about the distracted driver who was getting into the edge of the road, when he over-corrected and swerved directly into the...
Read moreOn Veterans Day we hear a lot about “those who have served.” We want to express our appreciation to those who have spent a major portion of their...
Read moreThe apostle Peter wrote two of the 27 books which comprise the New Testament. These epistles are known as First and Second Peter. They are full of...
Read moreFor those who do not yet understand that Satan is effectively advancing his agenda with the alarming use of dangerous drugs, you need to wake up...
Read moreThe storms of life can be challenging, even devastating. They can appear to be unbeatable, cruel and overwhelming. Sometimes they are brought upon...
Read moreQuestion: What does the Bible teach about becoming a priest? Are there special qualifications for members of the church who would like...
Read moreThere are many ways we might choose to follow in life. The way of materialism is currently very popular, in which the over-riding concern is...
Read moreNote: Following is a story I wrote and used in a sermon series entitled, “God’s Blueprint for the Home.” This particular sermon was preached...
Read moreThe advantages of memorizing God’s word are many. The Psalmist said, “Thy word have I laid up in my heart, That I might not sin against thee,”...
Read moreI’ve been thinking lately about mansions and castles. Grand homes of the past which I love to read about, study and tour. I’m...
Read moreI had a spirited conversation with a friend not long ago, who, like many people, has developed some pretty firm views on the issue of “border...
Read moreCome unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek
Read moreHere’s a quote from the U.S. Supreme Court which may surprise you: “Where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so...
Read moreQuestion: When and how often should Christians partake of the Lord’s Supper? Why do some churches do this weekly, others quarterly, others...
Read moreMany important questions confront us in life. Think about it, we must answer where we will live, how we will earn a living, whether or not we will...
Read moreAnd ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but nurture them in the chastening and admonition of the Lord. (Eph. 6:4) The word...
Read moreSuccess in many things depends upon getting a good start. A tree properly planted will be plumb, and under well-considered conditions, so that it...
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