Crucified With Christ
There are several passages which speak of “dying” with Christ. Obviously, these are not teaching that we literally and physically died...
Read moreThere are several passages which speak of “dying” with Christ. Obviously, these are not teaching that we literally and physically died...
Read moreSome years ago I helped coach the Little League baseball team on which our son, Robbie, was playing. As an assistant, my place was in the dugout...
Read moreLast Sunday I did something I very rarely do. I preached another preacher’s sermon. The sermon, “the Jordan River” was adapted from a...
Read moreAs I write these lines, it is Inauguration Day in America – a very important thing. It is important on many levels, including the fact that it...
Read moreWhen people no longer want to hear the truth, there is hopelessness. This is true because only the truth can “set us free” (Jn. 8:32)...
Read moreEverything we have we owe to the grace of God. Our physical lives, our material possessions, our spiritual lives, and our salvation from sin are...
Read moreWe note in Gal. 5:22 the absence of an “s” after “fruit.” Paul did not say, “the fruits of the Spirit are…” but...
Read moreThere is an interesting detail included by the inspired historian, while describing a part of Paul’s Second Missionary Journey in Acts 16:11. Luke...
Read moreI think probably Christmas and New Year’s are the most anticipated of all the holidays. Not that the others are unimportant, but these...
Read moreGenerally speaking, there are two broad types of funerals which I preach: those where I am confident the person was saved, and those where I am...
Read moreAs we travel through this life, we have so many blessings bestowed upon us yet how often do we stop to give thanks to the God of Heaven for them?...
Read moreThe Bible doctrine of fellowship is a fascinating study. Starting with a definition of the word itself, we can understand it by seeing how it is...
Read moreIt really hit home when I was recently reading an article by David R. Shannon, President of Freed-Hardeman University, entitled, “It Was the...
Read moreIn criminal cases, government attorneys are often required to provide to the opposing side a list of witnesses whom they intend to call to testify...
Read moreChristians are people of decency, people of order. We do not enjoy turmoil, or when the lives of people around us are filled with strife and...
Read moreAs we “enjoy” (should I say “endure”) another election season, several have inquired about Bible principles which might provide guidance during...
Read moreMay I Challenge You to Believe? by Jonathan Bennett Have you ever wondered what life would be like if there were no rules, laws or morals...
Read moreOriginalists by Robert C. Veil, Jr. Back when I was in law school, we were always taught that judges should look to the original meaning of...
Read moreThe Greatest of These is Love by Robert C. Veil, Jr. One of the most quoted chapters in all of the Bible is the 13th of First Corinthians...
Read moreThe Gift of Discerning of Spirits by Robert C. Veil, Jr. In his masterful letter to the troubled Corinthian congregation, the apostle Paul...
Read moreA Special Invitation and An Admonition by Robert C. Veil, Jr. Next Sunday evening, October 4...
Read moreWalking by Faith by Robert C. Veil, Jr. In 2 Cor. 5:7-8 the apostle Paul wrote: “Being therefore always of good courage, and knowing that...
Read moreHave you ever been really disappointed? I mean really, really hurt by something you had hoped would go a different way? How did you handle it?...
Read moreLong ago in Germany, a wealthy farmer was making preparations to immigrate to the New World, America. Planning to travel with his large family, he...
Read moreThe one passage which allegedly gives scriptural support to the popular doctrine of “guardian angels” is Matthew 18:10: “See...
Read moreLong before man was created, it would seem that Satan was already in existence, one of God’s created angels. “Angel,” from the...
Read more1 Cor. 11:2-16 is the passage where Paul deals with the woman’s head covering. Underlying this entire discussion is a foundational statement...
Read moreThe other day I was counting up the concrete projects we have undertaken on the farm over the years. About seven or eight times, we have been...
Read moreA psalm is a poetic scripture set to music. The psalms were written to be sung, as an act of worship to God. Originally, they often...
Read moreI am excited about a new sermon series we are beginning today. Entitled, “What Do I Do When…”, these sermons are designed to probe...
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