Overlooking Offenses
“The discretion of a man maketh him slow to anger; And it is his glory to pass over atransgression,” (Prov. 19:11).This verse pronounces...
Read more“The discretion of a man maketh him slow to anger; And it is his glory to pass over atransgression,” (Prov. 19:11).This verse pronounces...
Read moreI know I’ve said it numerous times before, and often in jest; but VBS is truly about Vacation, Bible, and School. Let’s discuss what that means to...
Read moreAs I write these lines, I find myself once again at a motel, in the midst of a gospel meetingaway from home. It’s been my privilege to preach in...
Read moreI have always enjoyed going for a walk, especially on the farm. If you can do it in the coolof the evening, particularly when the shadows are...
Read moreI have been blessed throughout my life to be surrounded by good mothers. On this specialday when we honor mothers and motherhood, I can’t...
Read moreHave you left the faith?Some of you who are reading this article are no longer as faithful to the Lord as you oncewere. Your commitment has been...
Read moreA man who is “churlish” is, according to Webster, rude, difficult to work with or deal with,intractable, ill-bred, stingy, boorish. Maybe you have...
Read moreIt is, perhaps, easy to “obey” God and follow His directions when we agree with them. Butwhen we are called upon to do something difficult –...
Read moreThe priests of the Mosaic Age were descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses. “And thoushalt put upon Aaron the holy garments; and thou shalt...
Read moreQuestion: Does the Bible teach that there will be degrees of punishment and reward afterdeath?Answer: Yes it does, and in several ways. Is a...
Read moreMoses wrote several songs intended as memory aids at various points in his important work.His song at the crossing of the Red Sea (Ex. 15) is a...
Read moreEveryone knows that a solid foundation is key, whether building a structure, learning a skill, or in a quality relationship. Jesus said as much in...
Read moreGod created the family as we have traditionally known it. He created Adam and Eve, and hemarried them in the garden of Eden, and then he told them...
Read moreThe account of the miraculous budding of Aaron’s staff is recorded in Num. 17:1-11. A greatmany of the Israelites had been complaining about Moses...
Read moreThere is, in the priestly ordinances set forth immediately after the record of the death of Nadaband Abihu, an important insight into the holy...
Read moreOne of the things which you as a congregation are doing, for which I am deeply grateful, issupporting my service on the Board of Trustees for...
Read more“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honor thy father and mother(which is the first commandment with promise), 3 that it...
Read moreAs we are studying the eldership on Sunday mornings in the auditorium class, here is aquestion which was submitted regarding some of the important...
Read moreChurches of Christ around the country are known for excellent singing. If you have done muchtraveling and visiting in other congregations, you...
Read moreThere’s something uncanny about how many times it happens. You’re about to start mowing,or maybe finish up a section of mowing that...
Read moreI wonder what you fathers would do if your home was under attack by an intruder. If you awoke in the night, as a good friend of mine did once,
Read moreQuestion: John 4:2 informs us that Jesus never baptized with water. So, when Jesus gave hisgreat commission, of which baptism was he speaking: His...
Read moreToday is New Year’s Day! The old year has passed into history – what was. As much as we might like to slow things down, and savor some of...
Read moreI say “our” plan, because I hope you will take what I am about to share, adopt it and make ityour enthusiastic plan as well. We have...
Read moreThere’s an old invitation song which is still sung in many of our congregations, with thefollowing words: I’ve wondered far away from...
Read moreOn Tuesday, November 29, 2022, the United States Senate passed what they call the “Respectfor Marriage Act.” The title sounds noble, doesn’t...
Read moreHave you been longing for a verse-by-verse study of the Pastoral Epistles, (First and SecondTimothy and Titus)? Or, maybe you would enjoy an...
Read more“If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no excusefor their sin,” (Jn. 15:22).When Jesus came into this...
Read moreThere are several things about Jesus’ promise to send the Comforter which prove that thispromise was not intended for all Christians in the same...
Read moreAs we emphasize the great need for personal evangelism in the Lord’s church today, there may be a tendency on the part of some to question their...
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