Mistakes Declining Churches Make
When I point out that many churches are in decline, I am not referring to the denominations – although that is certainly the case. In fact...
Read moreWhen I point out that many churches are in decline, I am not referring to the denominations – although that is certainly the case. In fact...
Read moreIn order to answer this question, it is important to understand what was the actual purpose forthe first century miracles. These miracles were...
Read moreThe Scriptures teach that the work of the church may scripturally be viewed as an extensionof the work of Jesus Christ on earth, and may be...
Read moreQuestion: Does the Bible say it is wrong to smoke cigarettes? Answer: The Bible teaches that our body is a “temple of the Holy Spirit” and...
Read moreAll who have been in the church for a while have probably seen situations where the preacher’s family was resentful. It may be a wife who stops...
Read moreWithin the brotherhood of believers around the world, there is a group which sets itself apart. Depending on the extent of their extremism, they...
Read moreThese are the words which Eli the priest advised young Samuel to say to God the next time God called him, (1 Sam. 3:9). There is much wisdom...
Read moreSince before the days of Moses, animal sacrifices and the shedding of blood played an important role in God’s plan for forgiving man of his...
Read moreOn the heels of the current trend toward impersonal forms of communication is a dramatic increase in disrespect. It is so much easier to sit...
Read moreWe are living in a time when interpersonal, face-to-face communication is generally not being encouraged or improved. We are teaching our young...
Read moreThe aging process is a natural, God-ordained part of our earthly existence. Further, there are elevated levels of respect which go with older...
Read moreOver the years, I have studied and considered the reasons given by members of the church who have stopped coming or who are struggling with their...
Read moreWhile it is true that everything our Lord said is extremely important and worthy of our deepest consideration and respect, still we can’t...
Read moreQuestion: Isn’t it wrong to say that other people are wrong? The Bible says “Judge not!” Answer: It is wrong to say that others are wrong, or that...
Read moreWhether we speak at all to visitors, and what we say to them, will depend upon our level of spiritual maturity, and the extent to which we realize...
Read moreBible Question and Answer by Robert C. Veil, Jr. Question: What is meant by Jesus’s statement that no one can come to the Father unless God...
Read moreIn John 5, Jesus discloses some profound insights into the difference between physical and spiritual life—and shows the relative unimportance of...
Read moreOn December 19, 2021, I delivered a sermon entitled, “Abortion in America.” We looked at what the Scriptures teach regarding this important...
Read moreToday begins a very special event here at Central, our Spring Gospel Meeting with Billy Smith. The theme for the week is Faith Conquers Fear...
Read moreComing before the throne of God in worship is a momentous experience, which should never be taken lightly. In Is. 6:1-5 we see Isaiah’s reaction...
Read moreWhen we look at society and culture today, we see a downward spiral in homes that are rooted in dad & mom loving one another in a Christlike...
Read moreIt is common knowledge among Bible students that there is no vestige of authority in the Bible for the special observance of the particular first...
Read moreWe get a sense of what coming into the presence of God does to us by considering what it did to Isaiah, as recorded in Is. 6:1-5: In the year...
Read moreWe live in a world of religious confusion. It’s not hard to find various religious denominations teaching conflicting doctrines, taking...
Read moreNext Sunday we have scheduled a memorial immediately following our morning worship, to commemorate those who have passed away since January 1...
Read moreAll people everywhere must deal with loss. It is part of the human experience, and it affects both Christians and people of the world. Just...
Read moreDealing with the grief which often accompanies loss can be challenging, even exhausting. There are some tremendous scriptural principles for...
Read moreWhat are you doing Sunday through Thursday, May 8-12? I would like you to consider taking advantage of a very special opportunity. We will be...
Read moreWhen someone asks that question, there is a tendency to give a quick, reflexive response, like, “Good, how are you?” Perhaps this is...
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