Jesus’s View of Leadership
Becoming a great leader by the method of Jesus completely contradicts what the world usually assumes about leadership. In a fascinating incident...
Read moreBecoming a great leader by the method of Jesus completely contradicts what the world usually assumes about leadership. In a fascinating incident...
Read morePaul stated that Jesus came to this earth when conditions were right. “But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son, born of a...
Read moreAs parents raise children, we teach them to say “I’m sorry” when they do something wrong to begin teaching them how apologies and forgiveness work...
Read moreJesus came to seek and to save the lost, (Luke 19:10). The purpose of our Christian lives may be viewed as an extension of Christ’s presence...
Read moreMan was meant to work! The first man, Adam, was not simply placed in a utopian garden with nothing to do. He was immediately given a job, (Gen...
Read moreOlder people can be very irritating. While driving, for example, I have noticed that they are slower on the road. This especially when you are...
Read moreCan We Know We Are Saved? by Robert C. Veil, Jr. Years ago I had a series of discussions with an elder in the Lord’s church who took the position...
Read moreI’d like to make a challenge which specifically applies to certain members of our congregation. You know who you are! But this challenge...
Read moreChristians are the most generous, giving people on earth. That’s because they recognize that they themselves have been given so much...
Read moreJust as bad habits are hard to break, so are good ones! If you are in the habit of doing good, you are not easily distracted or prevented from...
Read moreHabits are hard to break, that’s why they call them habits. Habitual behavior becomes second nature, and is often done without thinking. So...
Read moreDid I thank the Lord today for the good that came my way? Restful darkness, sacred night; for the blessed morning light. For the chance to greet...
Read moreI hope you will indulge me as I share a few personal thoughts, to include some spiritual applications which may be helpful to all of us. I spent a...
Read moreOne of the big reasons we have such difficulty in reaching the lost is the fact that there are so many misunderstandings about what the church is...
Read moreI remember hearing about a Sunday morning Bible class being conducted in an old, country church building many years ago. The teacher had been...
Read moreI was recently reminded of the simple but profound fact that “people are someplace.” People live and function within a particular context...
Read moreThere are many benefits to a Christian education. In addition to the opportunity to learn from teachers who share a godly worldview, and a deep...
Read moreOur Savior knows each of our needs, and has made loving provisions to supply them. Consider a few more of the basic needs of each member of...
Read moreThere’s a beautiful song in our songbook written by Mosie Lister in 1955, entitled “He Knows Just What I Need.” Among other words are...
Read moreThe heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals...
Read moreSince preaching last Sunday evening’s sermon, I have been encouraged to write down for future reference the material I presented regarding in...
Read moreQuestion: Are Christians still sinners? Answer: The word “sinner” is used in two ways in the Bible. In...
Read moreHave you ever taken a walk with someone you loved? Maybe held the hand of your young child as you strolled through the woods or across an open...
Read moreOver the last twenty years, I have had the immense pleasure and responsibility to preach the gospel of Christ to those who live across the country...
Read moreWhat makes a servant? What motivates a person to serve God and others? What is there about the heart of this person which sets him apart...
Read moreSometimes people wonder whether there will be degrees, or different levels of severity of the punishment meted out to lost individuals after...
Read moreOne of the questions we deal with this evening was submitted by a person who is bothered by seeing members, during worship, not focused on God and...
Read moreLike you, I have heard denominational people talk of how God had “led” them to move to some particular place, or “laid upon their...
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